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华科智能 华科智能
Wealthink AI-Innovation Capital Limited Wealthink AI-Innovation Capital Limited
OP Financial(1140.HK) and China Southern Form First Sino-foreign Asset Management Joint Venture Offering International Service

OP Financial(1140.HK) and China Southern Form First Sino-foreign Asset Management Joint Venture Offering International Service

(Hong Kong, 7 July, 2008) – OP Financial Investments Limited (stock code: 1140.HK) (“OP Financial” or “the Company”) agreed on 4 July 2008 to set up a joint venture - CSOP Asset Management Limited (“CSOP”) with China Southern Fund Management Co., Ltd. (“China Southern”). OP Financial and China Southern will subscribed for 30% and 70% respectively of the issued share capital of

OP Financial(1140.HK) to Acquire 30% Stake Equally in Two Asset Management Companies Establishing a Solid Asset Management Platform

OP Financial(1140.HK) to Acquire 30% Stake Equally in Two Asset Management Companies Establishing a Solid Asset Management Platform

(Hong Kong, 26 June 2008) – Suremind Investments Limited (“Suremind”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of OP Financial Investments Limited (stock code: 1140.HK) (“OP Financial” or “the Company”) has signed a sale and purchase agreement with Mr. Benoit Descourtieux (“Vendor”) to acquire 30% stake in each of two asset management companies, namely Calypso Capital (Cayman) Limited