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Board Committees


A total of four Board Committees, namely the Audit Committee, the Remuneration Committee, the Nomination Committee and the Corporate Governance Committee (collectively referred to as the “Committees”) have been formed, each of which has specific roles and responsibilities delegated by the Board. The Committees’ terms of reference are reviewed and updated regularly to ensure they continue to be at the forefront of best practice. Each Committee’s membership is also reviewed by the Board annually.


List of committee members



审核委员会 薪酬委员会 提名委员会 企业管治委员会
Dr. LIU Zhiwei
Dr. Wang Qin (Chairman) C
Dr. FU Weigang
Dr. Wang Shibin
Mr. Yan Xiaotian M M M C
Mr. Zhao Kai M C M M
Mr. Yang Songbin C M M M



Audit Committee Remuneration Committee Nomination Committee Corporate Governance Committee
Dr. LIU Zhiwei
Dr. Wang Qin (Chairman) C
Dr. FU Weigang
Dr. Wang Shibin
Mr. Yan Xiaotian M M M C
Mr. Zhao Kai M C M M
Mr. Yang Songbin C M M M

附注:C - 委员会主席 M - 委员会成员

Notes: C – Chairman of the Board Committee M – Member of the Board Committee

The major role and function of the Audit Committee are to review the interim and annual results and risk management and internal control systems of the Company and perform other duties under the CG Code.

Terms of Referenceof the AuditCommittee (1140).pdf (更新于2016年03月03日)

The major role and function of the Remuneration Committee are to review and provide recommendations on the policy for the remuneration of all Directors and senior management. It will make recommendations to the Board on the remuneration packages of individual executive Directors and senior management.

Terms of Referenceof the Remuneration Committee (1140) (更新于2012年01月12日)

The major role and function of the Nomination Committee are to review and provide recommendations on the policy for the nomination of directors.

Terms of Reference of the Nomination Committee (1140) (更新于2012年01月12日)

The major role and function of the Corporate Governance Committee are to review and provide recommendations on the policy for the corporate governance of the Company.

Terms of Reference of the Corporate Governance Committee (1140) (更新于2012年01月12日)