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OP Financial(1140.HK) and China Southern Form First Sino-foreign Asset Management Joint Venture Offering International Service

类型:Investment News

Type:Investment News



(Hong Kong, 7 July, 2008) – OP Financial Investments Limited (stock code: 1140.HK) (“OP Financial” or “the Company”) agreed on 4 July 2008 to set up a joint venture - CSOP Asset Management Limited (“CSOP”) with China Southern Fund Management Co., Ltd. (“China Southern”). OP Financial and China Southern will subscribed for 30% and 70% respectively of the issued share capital of CSOP at the cash consideration of HK$60 million and HK$140 million.

CSOP has already secured approval for incorporation from the China Securities Regulatory Commission (“CSRC”) on 27 June, 2008 and is awaiting proper licensing approval from the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong. It will run asset management business in Hong Kong including managing the investment portfolio of Hong Kong-listed stocks for China Southern’s Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor (“QDII”) fund, namely the China Southern Global Dynamic Allocation Fund (“The Fund”). Approved by CSRC in September 2007, the Fund valuing RMB30 billion, 30% of which is investment in Hong Kong-listed stocks, is the first QDII equity fund launched in China. CSOP also plans to manage a number of funds including equity funds, fixed income funds, hybrid funds, fund of funds, alternative investments and private equity.

The CSOP board will have representatives, all boasting financial expertise, from the two partner companies, and a management team will comprise investment veterans from Wall Street, financial experts from Hong Kong and fund management professionals from mainland China. Leveraging Hong Kong's strategic location, CSOP’s investment team will have direct and timely access to in-depth information that can facilitate analysis of investment trends in the mainland and international markets.

Mr. Zhang Zhi Ping, Chairman of OP Financial, said, “The partnership with China Southern signifies the beginning of a new chapter of development for us. By selecting the best partners in different sectors and helping them thrive, OP Financial also grows and expands. We have an outstanding management team and profound understanding of and rich experiences in the finance industry in China and globally. We will combine our expertise and capital with those of our partners around the world and ensure optimum allocation and application of our strengths to create the most value for all partners.

“OP Financial is an investment company with international market exposure and directors with China background. To Chinese investors, it knows the overseas market well, and to overseas institutions, it is an expert of the China market. OP Financial sees itself playing the unique role of a bridge between China and the world, giving Chinese capital access to investment opportunities worldwide and guiding foreign capital into China, and, in the course of facilitating this two-way capital flow and growth in wealth for investors, it is able to deliver enormous value to its shareholders.”