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OP Financial (1140.HK) Commences Trading through Stock Connect Today

类型:Corporate News

Type:Corporate News



(Hong Kong, 5 March 2018,) The leading cross-border investment platform with integration of industry and finance — OP Financial Investments Limited (“OP Financial” or “the Company”, stock code: 1140.HK) is pleased to announce that the Company was included in the Hang Seng Composite Index and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect (“Stock Connect”). The inclusion of the Stock Connect will be effective today, allowing eligible Mainland investors to access directly through the Stock Connect program.

OP Financial follows a value investing philosophy. With deep roots in Hong Kong and connection to China, the Company has strong capability of investment, financing and industry consolidation. Its investment portfolios cover many listed and unlisted companies across geographies and industries. The Company has shown an increase in net asset value for three consecutive years and achieved the recorded profit of HK$131 million for the six months ended 30 September 2017.

Zhang Gaobo, Chief Executive Officer of OP Financial, said: “We are very encouraged to be included in the Hong Kong Stock Connect at a time when the group has upgraded its strategy and business is poised to take off. OP Financial believes that China's economy has entered a new normal, and it is expected that a group of enterprises with great potential will grow its valuation to hundreds billion. We will take our advantages in integration of industry and finance as well as cross-border investments to empower enterprises and bet on China and Chinese enterprises. The inclusion of Stock Connect reflects the strong confidence of the capital market in our future development, which will also help us to foster our shareholder diversification and further expand the investor base.”

Apart from the inclusion of Stock Connect, OP Financial was previously included as a constituent of Hong Kong Index of MSCI Small Cap Index. The Company completed placement of new shares in December 2017 and introduced four strategic investors including the People’s Insurance Company (Group) of China Limited and CMB International, which represents the recognition of investors for the Company’s development and growth advantage in the future. Furthermore, it also provides strong capital support to the investment of the integration of industry and finance and cross-border projects.


List of Eligible Securities for Southbound Trading under Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect
